In relationship with Iraq

2013-02-18 15:43:27

Few days ago, we read about the imminent resumption of Iraqi flights to Kuwait. This event would have passed unnoticed without the record of problems between the two countries. We are aware that there is no lasting friendship or enmity in the world of politics though it is related to interconnected political and economic interests. But, when it has to do with relationship between Kuwait and Iraq, the situation becomes completely different. We should never sleep on silk, promises and aspirations, because the security of Kuwait is a red line and it is not accepted to be bypassed or neglected.

This is a new normalizing step between Iraq and Kuwait though Iraq pledged to compensate Kuwait Airways with 500 million dollars. On the other hand, there are a lot of outstanding issues between the two countries and many problems are seen despite the attempts to hide them. There are many questions addressed to the concerned leaders: Is the prisoners file closed? What about returning the official Kuwait archives? Did Iraq pay all compensation money for invading us? Did Iraq pay some of the previous debts of Kuwait? Did Iraq stop its claims against Kuwait?

Our government seems to be in a hurry. It wants to help Iraq out of Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter. What about the Gulf countries? Did they normalize their relationship with Iraq? Did they cancel Iraqi debts to them? Did they volunteer to help him out of Chapter VII? Few days ago, Nuri Al-Maliki said that he endeavored to develop the relationship with Saudi Arabia. It is up to you, readers, to compare between the two situations, before and now. The issue, gentlemen, is not associated to good intentions because we are dealing with the fate of people and their nations. It is true that we want to have balanced relationship with the northern neighbor, but not at any price. We want to build on a solid foundation without show off and formalities. Kuwaitis want reassurance devoid of any future threat.

Why should Kuwait pay a political price? This price is for what in exchange? What does it mean to rush towards normalization? In 2003, Kuwait made of itself a country of the confrontation with Iraq and bore the brunt of the confrontation, so it remained in the eye of the storm. Eventually, Iran took over Iraq, while Kuwait remained under threat despite pledges and the speeches. Many Iraqis still believe that Kuwait is part of Iraq. There are questions not to be neglected: Does Kuwait have a clear strategy towards normalization? Do realistic results and gains ensue on the previous normalization steps? Prove us the reality of those gains.

Iraq is still a boiling regional conflict arena, is still in the international intensive care and has not recovered yet. Iraq is sick and has enough problems for an entire continent. Is it the appropriate moment for the return to normal relations? We do not want to slip on a road of which we do not see the clear end. The issue is not related to actual interests but it is a specific strategy to deal with a neighbor that we did not chose ourselves. Geographically speaking, you do not choose your neighbor; this is why you have to be careful in dealing with him.

Relying on trust in the relations between states opens the door to problems. Since the independence of Kuwait, there was a turbulent relationship with Iraq and all the successive governments coveted us; Kuwait has consistently been treated as part of Iraq. We did not get of Iraqis hurt and ingratitude. So, before you start normalizing with Iraq, solve your problems with it. Make its officials understand that closing the outstanding issues is a necessary condition for any further step.

We want to live our present while being reassured of the future and our children have the right to enjoy stability of which we have been deprived for decades, so we should be vigilant. You should correct the foundations of building the relationship with Iraq so you will not wake up one day on a new invasion. The region is full of surprises and the Iranian file could become a snowball at any moment; did we prepare the necessary plans to live according to its implications? We must calculate all our steps, because the believer should not be bitten twice. The wise man is the one who learns from others’ experience.